Materjal: 100% lüotsell
Lüotsell (ka tencel) on valmistatud jätkusuutlikust puidumassist, millel lisaks nö headele rohelistele omadustele, on ka pehme faktuur ja see langeb kaunilt. Lüotselli tootmisprotsessi mõju keskkonnale on minimaalne. Puud kasvavad pestitsiide kasutamata, samas metsa kasvatamine aitab parendada mulla kvaliteeti, takistada mulla erosiooni ja säilitada pinnases vett. Lüotsellil on antibakteriaalsed omadused, mistõttu vajab see vähem pesemist, kui sünteetilised kiud.
Soovitame pesta 30 kraadiga ja pahupidi, et kangas säiliks.
Disainitud Soomes ja toodetud eetiliselt Euroopas
This is perhaps our most versatile garment. The garment is perfect to wear just as a kimono. Style it with a pair of heels for an evening out or put on slippers and wear it as a dressing gown. You can also wear the kimono with your pants as a tunic or jacket. You decide!
With this garment, we also want to remind you not to put too much value on the size labels. Choose Fabulous or Super Fabulous, whichever fits you better. Size doesn’t matter when the garment suits you and fits beautifully. Everyone is beautiful in their size and the way they are. Remember, you are FABULOUS!
Female heroes are at the centre of the Heroines collection. We want to inspire girls to fulfill their potential and reach all their dreams. You are the only hero of your life you really need!
From a distance the pattern looks like a leopard pattern, but on closer examination, the pattern is revealed to consist of female characters telling how different and wonderful we all are.
Suurus: Fabulous